ENJOY NATURAL BENEFITS: Give your body a good Carbohydrate boost. This is low fat and low Cholesterol product which is ideal for any diet monk.
CHEMICAL FREE: Packed in natural condition and free from any synthetic chemical use. We believe in sustainability and so we cater to our customers with premium chemical-free products.
HIGHLY NUTRITIOUS: This is a nutritionist recommended product that can give you a good quality calorie diet. They retain all-natural nutrients and aroma with them after packing.
INSTANT ENERGY BOOST: Feel energetic and look lively with a good diet of Lakshmi Brands Semolina Coarse. Enriched with Proteins and Carbohydrates to give you a long boost of energy.
TRUSTED PRODUCT: Support our efforts to healthify the worldwide customer base. HURRY AND ORDER NOW.
Lakshmi Brand Limited not only provides high quality Indian groceries but a one stop shop for all your kitchen essentials.. Our clients range from high end group of restaurants to established charity organizations, temples and hostels. We take pride in ensuring each of our clients catering requirements are fulfilled.
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